



地毯清洗养护的方法 Method of cleaning and curing of carpet 地毯是一种高档的地面装饰材料,无论是家庭、单位、宾馆、写字楼及会议室的地面铺上地毯以后都显得高雅、华贵,同硬性地面相比,在地毯上步行感觉舒适、柔软,但是地毯容易脏污,就好像身上的衣服被弄脏一样,认人十分沮丧。 Carpet is a kind of high-grade ground to decorate material, whether it's family, units, hotels, office buildings, and the conference room on the ground of the shop after the carpet is elegant and showily, compared with hard ground, on the carpet on foot feels comfortable, soft, but the carpet dirt easily, like clothes are dirty, very depressed.   如何将厚重的地毯长期保养的洁净、清新、松软而富有弹性呢?这就要求我们有品质良好的专用清洁药剂、先进高效的清洗机器设备、专业有经验的作业工人和一些持久、可实现的清洁保养计划。现有许多对付各种特殊污迹污渍的技术的窍门,相信定能祝您一臂之力。 How to be clean, fresh, soft and elastic with thick carpet? This requires that we have a good quality of special cleaning agents, advanced and efficient cleaning machine equipment, professional and experienced workers and some persistent, which can realize the cleaning and maintenance plan. There are many techniques for dealing with all kinds of special stains, and I'm sure I can help you. 清洗方式: Cleaning method: 1、湿洗 1, wet cleaning   使用工具:进口地毯清洗机、地毯吸水机、三速地毯吹干机等清洗设备及高泡地毯清洗剂、低泡地毯清洗剂、地毯除渍剂等专用药剂。 Use tools: imported carpet cleaning machines, carpet suction machine, three-speed carpet dry cleaning equipment and high foam carpet cleaner, such as low foam carpet cleaner, special agents such as carpet highly-effective cleaning agent. 一般程序: General procedure: A、全面缆接地箱 隔离墩模具 保定电动门 铜狮子 u型槽模具 SMT贴片焊接 收费岛模具 水泥井模具 B、局部除污 C、全面清洗 D、漂洗、消毒 E、吸水、烘干 A, complete vacuuming B, partial decontamination C, thoroughly clean D, rinse, disinfect E, absorb water, dry 2、干洗 2, the dry cleaning   使用工具:进口地毯干洗机、吸尘吸水机、梳毛机等专业工具和药剂 Use tools: import carpet drying machine, vacuum suction machine, wool machine and other professional tools and agents 一般程序; General procedure; A、撒干洗粉 B、局部污渍处理 C、干洗机清洗 D、吸尘吸水机吸干 E、梳毛机整理地毯毛 A, scrubbing powder B, local stain treatment C, washing machine cleaning D, vacuuming machine suction dry E, comb wool machine to clean carpet wool 养护技巧 Maintenance skills ( 1) 均匀使用地毯铺用几年以后,最好调换一下位置,使其磨损均匀。一旦有些地方出现凹凸不平时要轻轻拍打一下,也可用蒸汽熨斗或热毛巾轻轻敷熨


  1. 电话:17731871086
  2. 手机:13463278889
  3. 地址:丽景蓝湾B区东门路南洁匠清洁用品超市

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