



礼仪礼貌与仪容仪表 Manners and manners 笔者曾有一个下属是位参加工作不久的女大学生,在上卫生间时被一名保洁人员说其不冲厕所。她在半年之后提起此事时还非常激动地说“我是这么没有素质的人吗”,感觉被一个保洁人员说自己没有素质是今生的“奇耻大辱”。试想,如果是一个经良好礼仪培训的保洁人员当发现有人不冲厕所时,就会默默地用自己努力的工作来感动服务对象,而不是埋怨服务对象的行为。不注意服务中的礼貌用语会给顾客留下坏的印象。 One of my subordinates was a college student who was a young woman who was in the bathroom and was told by a cleaning person that she didn't flush the toilet. She is still very excited after half a year by bringing the matter to say "I am the man who is so no quality", the feeling is a maintenance staff say that they have no quality is life "disgrace". Just think, if it is a good etiquette training in the maintenance staff when find someone don't flush the toilet, will silently moved the service object with his hard work, rather than complain about the behavior of the service object. Not paying attention to the polite language in the service will leave a bad impression on the customer. “礼仪礼貌”、“仪容仪表”实际上反映了一个企业的管理水平。管理工作中,应避免保洁人员带着不愉快的情绪来上班,或对主管人员有抵触情绪。 "Polite manners" and "grooming instruments" actually reflect the level of management of a business. In management, the cleaning staff should be prevented from bringing unpleasant emotions to work, or against the supervisor. 统一服装、统一形象,也是良好的仪容仪表的基本要求。员工不能因为服装不那么合适或不太喜欢,或怕见到熟人等各种原因而对穿工作服或其他规范要求产生抵触心理,而出现不穿或穿着不整齐的现象。 Uniform dress, unified image, also is good appearance appearance instrument basic requirement. Employees cannot because less appropriate dress or don't like, or various reasons such as afraid of see acquaintances produce resistance to wear work clothes or other specification requirements, and don't wear or irregular phenomenon. 顾客需求与工作标准 Customer requirements and working standards 清晰物业使用人的需求,了解顾客的关注点,据此作出详细的服务方案,制订工作的重点、详细的工作标准和检查标准,列出关键点和质量控制点、工作记录要求。对已制订的工作标准和规程等进行实施情况检查,并时常评估其适宜性。 Clear property user demand, understand customer's focus, make a detailed service plan accordingly, to make the focus of the work, detailed work and inspection standards, list the key points and quality control points, work record. Conduct inspection of the work standards and procedures that have been established, and assess its suitability at times.


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